Friday, March 10, 2006

the effect of Chris Pirillo...

just heard a rumor about my old lockergnome buddy: that if you mention him in a blog post, he will leave you a comment. such is the amazing power of our search engines. hard to believe but apparently true. well, can you prove that it is really left by him and not one of his merry pranksters? yes, very easily as a matter of fact. if you subscribe to his email newsletter you know that he always has some funky phrase in the suubject line. so Chris, alls ya gotta do is post your comment here BEFORE that particular newsletter is sent. otherwise we all know that the Chris Pirillo effect is an urban legend. of course, another likely event (if you peruse at my blog's paucity of comments) is that Chris (or one of his trained monkeys) will miss my little niche of the 'net - thus disproving the effect. ok, the testing has begun! I will post the results...

PS: if it IS true, I will attempt the same feat - mention tomawesome in your blog and I will leave a comment. that is the "tomawesome challenge"!